Loads of fun, more posts to follow but some pictures for a start.
And all of this gives us data like this ( dropping a ball and then a kick, followed by freefall followed by another kick and freefall pair of events:
Freefall G: 72 Duration 0.00238265 Launch Delay 2.64402304
FreeFall End
Launch G: 313 Duration 0.00305754
Launch End
Freefall G: 70 Duration 0.02869233 Launch Delay 0.37855668
FreeFall End
Launch G: 445 Duration 0.04812543
Launch End
Freefall G: 26 Duration 0.37386897 Launch Delay 0.06773423
And all of this gives us data like this ( dropping a ball and then a kick, followed by freefall followed by another kick and freefall pair of events:
Freefall G: 72 Duration 0.00238265 Launch Delay 2.64402304
FreeFall End
Launch G: 313 Duration 0.00305754
Launch End
Freefall G: 70 Duration 0.02869233 Launch Delay 0.37855668
FreeFall End
Launch G: 445 Duration 0.04812543
Launch End
Freefall G: 26 Duration 0.37386897 Launch Delay 0.06773423