As we close in on the vote on the Marriage Equality Referendum this Friday the Yes campaign still seems to have significant momentum as far as getting new promotional material out onto the streets. On the way home this evening I came across a couple of people working on the task of outlining the text of this poster onto the window of The Harlequin vintage clothes shop on Castle Market.
It’s a longer cut of the last few lines from Ulysses that close out Molly Bloom’s soliloquy. They made an interesting change to the original text which is obvious when you think about it and really makes this the best piece of Yes campaign material that I’ve seen. Superb.
That said Maser’s refresh of his classic ‘You are Alive* * Avail of this “once in a lifetime” opportunity’ mural on the corner of Grantham Street and Camden Street Lower, now dedicated to Una Mullally, is a close second.
Busyfeet & Coco Cafe decided it was a good time to refresh their mural wall. Also excellent.
There have been a few other new posters – these four, each of which is about double A0 in size, have appeared in at least three different locations around the city.
The various window decorations continue to spread unabated. I still haven’t seen a single No counter example. I know some in the No camp think these are being forced upon businesses, but it’s pretty clear that some significant effort has gone into the majority of these. No doubt some businesses are feeling pressured but if you aren’t comfortable saying know, maybe you should try a bit of introspection.
Fine Gael have put up a final round of posters with a new, and very positive poster. Yes Equality are closing out the campaign with a set of very nicely put together posters featuring real people as opposed to the typical depthless stock photo choices of the type that backfired on the Mothers and Fathers Matters group with one of their original posters.
The smaller political groups have also been making a pretty good effort. I applaud the directness of Socialist Worker on this one in particular.
And another large banner. This is the third or fourth that I’ve seen at this scale.
On the street art front, these Father Ted wheat paste slap posters appeared over the past few days The first three are in and around Dame Lane / South Great George’s Street / Fade Street area, the last one is just off Abbey Street near the Jervis Center.
Just outside the George’s Arcade I came across this weird contribution from MP Maggle.
Wrestlers for Equality. Yeah I dunno either.
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